Sunday, May 19, 2013

I thought I would be a whole lot better at writing on here since I was on bed rest, but I ended up having my baby boy a week after my last post.

Daddy's hand next to Ryder the day he was born.

 Ryder Maddox Chlarson was born on 4/13/13 weighing 1 lb 14 oz, and measuring 14 & 1/4 inches long! We are so happy he made it here safe and that he is doing well so far. I know it is the pure power of prayer that has gotten us both through our journey. 

Ryder is 5 weeks old now and is doing really well! He is up to 2 lbs 13 oz and is tolerating his feedings and is pooping regularly! We are so happy about that! Usually preemies right around 32 weeks gestation get an infection in the intestines called NEC that can be very dangerous. Breastfed babies do better when it comes to that so hopefully he will not get the infection. We are so happy with the nurses and doctors caring for our little guy!

I am staying here in the valley while he is in the hospital. I get to see the hubby and kids every now and then. Either they come here or I go back home to see them. It has been rough being torn between both places, but I know it is important for me to be close to Ryder so I can do therapies with him and have my milk there for him. I am so grateful for the people of St. Johns who have given their time to make meals, clean my house and watch my kids! My mom and hubby have been amazing at holding down the fort, but I know they could't do it without the help of our town members. I feel so loved and blessed with how much everyone has sacrificed on my behalf.