I am so late in posting pictures, but better late than never.
Jessie Lee Chlarson was born on December 6, 2009. Weighing 8lbs 5oz, 20 3/4 in. long. She has been such a joy to our family and endures lots and lots of smothering hugs and kisses everyday from her brothers and sister. She has been such a trooper with all of the appts. and programs we have had to go to since she has been born. We are so happy that she is here and healthy.
We had to travel to Mesa when she was only 5 days old. We had had a Dr. appt. scheduled for Connor on 12/14 and it couldn't be missed. It has taken so long for us to be seen by a developmental pediatrician so we had to make the trip. For the last 2 years, we have been to all kinds of doctors, trying to figure out a diagnosis for Connor and to see if this would be something he would grow out of. We have only known that he has mild CVI (Cortical Visual Impairment) and that he is Developmentally Delayed. Well we went to the Developmental Pediatrician and he did tests and evaluated Connor and has diagnosed him with Autism. It was hard for me to hear at first, but it doesn't change who Connor is and now we have more to go on and he can get more help and hopefully better/more therapy. He keeps improving and we are so grateful for that. We are also grateful that his Autism is not severe. He is such a happy boy, and so loving whereas most kids with autism aren't. Our next step is to get an EEG done. When we saw our primary doctor last, the Dr. saw Connor go into a blank stare, which happens often, and he believes it was a seizure. So we are hopefully going to find out about that soon.
We are all doing well and are very excited for Christmas! Jace is especially excited and he even got to see Santa and his elf's. Connor and Kendall have fun taking off ornaments and putting them back on so they are all in one spot. So our tree is not the cutest, but it is decorated with love :) Today we got to build a Snowman. It was lots of fun, then we came inside and had some yummy hot chocolate.
We feel very lucky and blessed to have healthy kids, a warm home to live in, and Larry's awesome job to provide for our family. We hope you all have a wonderful Merry Christmas!