The Chlarson Family
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Friday, April 5, 2013
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Finally a new Post!

Connor dropped a huge brick on hid toe and the nail ended up falling off. Luckily it grew back.
Connor had to have his head all wrapped up so he wouldn't pull out all the wires during his EEG
My Best friend Rachel Richardson took some family pictures for us at the very beginning of March before Jessie was blessed and we love them! Thanks Rachel! These were some of our favorites. The ones of the kids are on the side panel of the blog.
We have had lots of fun this year with celebrating birthdays and going on camp outs. We have really been enjoying all of the fun with our family and friends.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 4, 2009
No baby yet
Monday, November 9, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Busy Life
9/26 - Went to Mesa for a baptism, and bought a Van
9/28 - Took Connor to Opthamologist, still has mild CVI
- car broke down in Payson, good thing we had the van
10/1 - Jace - Soccer game
10/2 - My Dad's B-day
10/5 - Dentist appt. for Jace
- Cooper's B-day (Lamar and Jaime's little boy)
10/6 - Jace - Soccer game
- Jaimie's B-day (Amy and Mike's oldest)
10/7 - Me - Foot Dr. in RV
10/8 - Jace - Soccer game
- Christie's B-day (Amy and Mike's youngest)
10/13 - OB appt. for me in RV
- Jace - Soccer game
10/15 - Tiff had baby Owen!
- Took Connor to ENT- has enlarged tonsils
10/16 - Larry and Lamar turned 30!
We met Lamar's family in Globe for lunch to celebrat the them turning 30
10/19 - I turned 26 went to foot Dr. and
had plantar warts cut out of my feet.
10/21 - Zach's B-day (Jaime and Lamar's oldest)
10/22 - Parent Teacher Conference- Jace is doing great!
- Reilly's Birthday
10/23 - Carson (Logan's boy) and Courtney's (Deb's girl) B-day
10/24 - Connor (turned 4) and Cheri's (Ruth's youngest ) B-day
10/27 - Was offered a job with NEC and I accepted!
10/28 - OB and Foot Dr. Appts in Showlow
10/31 - Halloween was lots of FUN!
- Natalie's B-day
Jace was Bumble Bee from Transformers, Connor was Sherriff Woody and Kendall was a Lady Bug Larry and I were just supposed to be a King and Queen, but he looked like the Burger king guy, so we were Burger King and Dairy Queen.
11/04 - Connor had his tonsils and adenoids removed
- OB appt. for me
So lots of trips to either Round Valley or Show low for Dr. appts and lots of birthdays. October always seems crazy with all the birthdays, but adding all the appts and trying to get myself ready for a new job and for the baby to come, it has been even more hectic.
Larry has a deer hunt up by Thatcher next weekend and I start my new job on Tuesday11/10. I will try and get as much training done as I can before the baby comes. Let's hope I don't have her early. I've never gone into labor early before, but watch just because I have so much that needs to be done she we come early. We'll just have to wait and see. I have 3 weeks left, wish me luck! Larry and his scruffy beard for his dear hunt, I can't wait till it comes off!